Cost of sql server 2012 enterprise edition
Cost of sql server 2012 enterprise edition

cost of sql server 2012 enterprise edition

industry, since a lack of viable competition from AMD will inevitably slow down the pace of innovation from Intel. With each new processor family release from Intel, AMD has been falling further behind. AMD does not have the financial or technical resources to compete with Intel in terms of performance or power efficiency.

cost of sql server 2012 enterprise edition

Since the introduction of the Intel Nehalem architecture (Intel Xeon 3500, 5500, 65 series) in 2008-2010, AMD has simply not been able to compete with Intel when it comes to single-threaded processor performance. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to make a good technical or business case to select an AMD Opteron processor for use with SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition. Given this, how do you go about making an optimal processor choice for SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition? Normally, the first step would be to decide whether you wanted to use an Intel Xeon processor or an AMD Opteron processor (SQL Server 2012 does not support the Intel Itanium processor family). The difference in SQL Server 2012 licensing costs between a good processor choice and a bad processor choice can more than pay for your hardware and your storage subsystem in many cases.

cost of sql server 2012 enterprise edition

The same issue exists (to a lesser extent) with SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition. The move to core-based licensing for SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition means that a careless decision about precisely what processor you will be running on can cost both a great deal of money and a great deal of performance and scalability. Since Microsoft revamped the licensing model for SQL Server 2012, it is especially important to do some thoughtful analysis before you decide exactly which processor to use for a database server that will be running SQL Server 2012.

Cost of sql server 2012 enterprise edition