Only then, you will get the allowance of using third-party themes. As Windows doesn’t allow any customized third-party theme on your Windows 10 pc or laptop, you have to make a bypass by patching files of your laptop. Precautions Before Installing Third-Party Themes in Windows 10 Let’s start our journey towards adding any third-party theme to Windows 10 pc or laptop. But before that, you should know there is a risk in bypassing the restriction. We will discuss the steps thoroughly here.
You can bypass this restriction by following some steps. But you don’t need to be sad at all because where there is a problem, there is a solution. You will find a restriction when you will go to add an external theme on Windows 10. So, how to install third-party themes in Windows 10? So, Windows doesn’t allow any customize theme party on Windows 10 except the themes which are digitally signed by Windows. As we know, Windows a big name and it has some features regarding visual to performance aspects. For this, we have to customize the theme option and apply any new one. You can also apply it using the Personalization Control panel as you can see in my screenshot.We all love to have new themes on our electronic devices. msstyles file to the folder "c:\Windows\Resources\Themes". I recommend you to visit Deviantart and grab there some nice looking visual style. Once you have installed UxStyle, it's time to get some cool visual styles.How to apply third party visual styles (themes) in Windows 10 Voila, the magic is done, not even a reboot is required! You will see that it runs as an "Unsigned Themes" service. It is quite simple because it only has a start page and the "Done" page.
Run the installer and follow the instructions. Here is the direct download link for UxStyle with Windows 10 Support: To get UxStyle, please refer to its official home page. While files stay untouched on disk, the software performs in-memory patching and works smoothly and safely. The main benefit of UxStyle is that it does not modify system files on disk. He has updated it to be compatible with Windows 10, so that's awesome news.
Our friend Rafael Rivera created an amazing utility, Uxstyle, few years ago, which allows you to use third party themes in Windows XP and above. To install and apply third party themes in Windows 10, follow the instruction below.
This leads to the situation where for every single release, you need a special software (a so called UXTheme patcher) which supports that new release. With every new Windows release, Microsoft makes some minor changes to the theme engine and/or its format.